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Digital Security Through C
Digital Security Through C
01. Security In Digital Age (24:59)
02. Virtual Box Installation (41:51)
03. Virtual Box Using Readymade VM (21:12)
04. Virtual Box Jdk And Netbeans Installation (16:20)
05. Getting Started With Programs (19:35)
06. OpenSSL And BIO (18:35)
07. Using The BIO Library (32:31)
08. Data Representation (24:24)
09. Data Encoding And Decoding (17:22)
10. Data Integrity (22:04)
11. MD5 Checksum (23:49)
12. Cryptography Schemes (27:01)
13. Transposition, Digraph And Homophonic Ciphers (19:13)
14. Symmetric Cryptography (21:04)
15. DES (25:15)
16. Triple DES (32:11)
17. Rijndael Algorithm (32:27)
18. AES Encryption (25:32)
19. AES Decryption (25:20)
20. Asymmetric Cryptography (25:41)
21. How PKCS Works (25:41)
22. RSA Signing (21:51)
23. RSA Verification (14:54)
24. PKCS In Real World (21:57)
25. Digital Certificates (24:30)
26. Practical ICAN Using Cryptography (24:51)
27. Establishing Certificate Authority (24:35)
28. Introduction To SSL (23:31)
29. SSL Client (20:20)
30. SSL Server (20:59)
31. Buffer Overflow Attacks (23:14)
32. Security Threats (23:18)
33. Anti-Viral Program (21:07)
34. Virus Myths And Facts (20:15)
35. FAT File System Anatomy (17:49)
36. Disk Based Viruses (18:06)
37. Information Hiding (28:02)
38. Steganography Techniques (29:44)
39. Image Stealth Technique (17:26)
40. Security Quiz (19:42)
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08. Data Representation
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